Quality management system


«TALANT HOLDING" LLP has a certificate of compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2016 (ISO 9001-2015).

Our main goal in the field of quality is to provide high-quality, competitive products that meet high standards, as well as the requirements and expectations of consumers.

We strive to meet the international requirements of corporate governance and advanced management technologies by maintaining and developing ISO 9001 QMS management system

Functioning of quality management system in accordance with international standards is achieved on the basis of clear organization of business processes, monitoring of current activity of "TALANT HOLDING" LLP with the help of process evaluation criteria, distribution of responsibility and authority of personnel at all levels for effective management of the process.

We strive to ensure product quality: production planning, strengthening of control and monitoring system, corrective actions, management of nonconforming products and quality resource planning and cooperation only with quality suppliers.

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© 2022 "Talant Holding" LLP

010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Nur-Sultan city, A 206, building 1

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