Our services

provides services in the following main areas:
  • Repair, restoration of railway transport components, spare parts of machines and mechanisms.
  • ВMetal cutting, processing, coating Manufacture and repair of non-standard equipment, metal structures of any complexity according to technical specifications, sketches, drawings or samples of the customer.
  • Restoration, repair of the main frame of the locomotive, bogie frames and the body of the locomotive after a derailment or collision.
  • Supplies and sales of machine tools from near and far abroad.
  • Welding work, repair technology and restoration of worn surfaces of various components.
  • Development of drawings for the product according to customer specifications.
  • Defectoscopy of welds of metal structures of locomotive.
  • Development of manufacturing and repair technology according to ST and USTD.

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© 2022 "Talant Holding" LLP

010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Nur-Sultan city, A 206, building 1

Commercial issues:



Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00

Sat-Sun: day off